
Unchanging Truth

Unchanging Truth

We deal with a lot of "noise" in our lives that makes it hard to find real truth. We hear conflicting messages, and we're not sure who to believe. Is there anything that we can believe is true no matter what? With this series we'll learn a few unchanging truths about God, about what it means to follow Jesus, and about ourselves and our relationship with our creator. These are the truths that can give our lives meaning and purpose!


Christmas 365

Christmas 365

Christmas brings out the best in most. There’s just something about this time of year that makes you laugh, be in a giving spirit and live each day with positive anticipation. Christmas wouldn’t be complete without finding the one thing that makes it what it is: Jesus. What would life look like if every day we lived in the hope, peace, joy and love of Christmas?

Standalone Messages

Pastor Don and Pastor Pam look at timely topics of faith that affect our real lives.

On Fire

On Fire

How does God use fire and the Holy Spirit to ignite the hearts of the followers of Jesus Christ to lives of holiness and service? 

Head On

Head On

What's in our hearts, good or bad, eventually translates into words and deeds. There are certain emotions that can poison our hearts, our relationships and our lives unless we confront them head on.


Seven Events that Changed the World

Seven Events that Changed the World

Each one of the steps Jesus took toward the cross was necessary for the prophecy of his resurrection to come true and change the world.  These seven events are more than just part of a story about the past, they have life changing meaning for us today.

Signs of Christmas

Signs of Christmas

Through the weeks of Advent and the Christmas season we will look at the familiar symbols of Christmas with new eyes to find a deeper meaning of peace, love, hope and joy.

Extravagant Generosity

Extravagant Generosity

Generosity is not something you do, but something you are. When you give, you acknowledge God as the center of your life. Just think what it would look like if we led the way with extravagant generosity, not only as individuals, but as the church?